Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,
Acts 2:46 (NIV)
Connecting lives together through small group gatherings is a biblical concept traced directly to the Early Church. We understand the value of believers coming together in each others home for fellowship, sharing the Word of God, prayer, and growing together through earnestly seeking God’s presence.
Here are the life groups that we offer:.
At Ease Is the mens gathering group which enjoys various activities, events and the opportunity to spend time encouraging one another. Our next Mens Breakfast will be September 14th 9am @ Mary B’s on Garfield Ave.
Digging Deeper with Tim and Cindy Halbert Meet the second and fourth Sunday of the month, 5pm in the sanctuary to dive deep into Gods word sharing insight and application of eternal truths in todays world.
Please contact the church office at (304 485-0121) or email for information on times and locations.